Note: Installers are experts at determining how to calculate your rebate based on the size of your system.
Under the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2018, the renewable energy tax credits for fuel cells, small wind turbines, and geothermal heat pumps now feature a gradual step down in the credit value, the same as those for solar energy systems.
Tax Credit:
- 26% for systems placed in service throughout 2022
- 30% for systems placed in service throughout 2023
- 10% for commercial buildings through 2023
Details: Existing homes and new construction qualify. Both principal residences and second homes qualify. Rentals do not qualify.
NYS Tax Credit and Property Tax Exemption
In the NYS Budget passed in April of 2022, a NYS Income Tax Credit of 25% with a cap of $5,000 was put in place for qualified residential geothermal heat pump systems. Key eligibility criteria include the residence needs to be in NYS and is the taxpayer’s residence at the time the geothermal energy system is placed in service. If you have limited NYS tax liability, the credit can be used over five (5) taxable years. Be sure to check with your tax or financial advisor about your ability to take advantage of the NYS Geothermal Tax Credit.
Property tax exemption for residential energy efficiency upgrades including heat pumps means your home will not face a larger tax bill after these improvements.
Utilities, Including National Grid, NYSEG
Full Load Heating Rebate – $1500 per 10,000 BTUH of heating capacity (certified by AHRI) (-$500 per project to contractor)
Eligibility Requirements:
GSHP must be ENERGY STAR certified and meet ENERGY STAR Tier 3 requirements and be sized to 90-120% of building heat load.
This incentive only covers closed-loop systems. Speak with your installer for more information about incentives for open-loop systems.
Central Hudson
Full Load Heating Rebate – $2000 / 10,000 BTUH of heating capacity (certified by AHRI) (-$500 per project to contractor)
Eligibility Requirements:
GSHP must be ENERGY STAR certified and meet ENERGY STAR Tier 3 requirements and be sized to 90-120% of building heat load.
This incentive only covers closed-loop systems. Speak with your installer for more information about incentives for open-loop systems.